The future of raiding

I thought I posted on this before but realize that it was only in response to other blogs so I don't have a public record of my thoughts on how Blizzard needs to change raiding.  This is particularly pertinent today as Blizzard has announced the following:

  • 10- and 25- man raids in Cataclysm will share the same lockout
  • Normal versus Heroic mode will be chosen on a per-boss basis in Cataclysm raids, the same way it works in Icecrown Citadel
  • 10- and 25- man bosses will be close in difficulty
  • 10- and 25- man bosses will drop the exact same items
  • 25-man bosses will drop a higher quantity of loot, but not quality
  • For the first few raid tiers, our plan is to provide multiple smaller raids. Instead of one raid with eleven bosses, you might have a five-boss raid as well as a six-boss raid.
  • Content will continue to be gated
  • First Cataclysm raids will be tuned for players in dungeons blues and crafted items
This is a huge change and I like it in some ways.  The bad thing is there is only two things to do in the game once you hit max level - raid or run alts. 

Something that has arisen in WotLK is the rise of PuG raiding which will become a thing of the past in Cataclysm.  I posted today in "Warcraft Hunter's Union" the following:
Under the current system getting into a decent PuG raid is easy on Tuesday / Wednesday but if you wait until Sunday it is almost impossible. That is because people get locked into instances early in the raid week and by the weekend have no toons to left to help. The sad thing is many PuGs get 1 or 2 bosses down then someone will leave and now the other 9 or 24 people are stuck because no one will want to miss getting their badges / loot on the first two bosses. If they truly want casual raiding to work then they need to design around that limitation.

My solution would be to change the lockout system so that we could run any 10 or a 25 man instance multiple times a week but would only be able to get badges/loot from a specific boss one time per week (10 or 25 man). That would allow me to help a friend in a 10 man PuG on Wednesday night and still run my normal 10/25 man raid with my guild on Sunday.
One of my favorite things in the game is to join a group of people that don’t know each other very well and work our way through content by learning each others strengths and weaknesses. That was what I loved about the game back in the UBRS days and what is missing today. I like that they are thinking about changing the way we get loot in Cataclysm but hope they make sure they consider the ramifications carefully as I fear the proposed system will be the end of not only 25 man raiding but PuGs as well.
 I like the fact that people can only hit an instance one time a week and the loot will be set up so that you would only need to raid 1-2 nights to keep up with content.  But what about people that want to raid more???  What about guilds that would like to gear up people faster?  I understand their need to cater to the casual players but I think this change will actually be detrimental to casuals as I think this will kill PuG raiding.  Whether they like it or not ... PuG raiding is Casual raiding.

I hope they reconsider this change.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 10:37 AM

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