I've been waiting a bit to post my results of the Darkmoon Gambit. The main reason is I'm not completely done. Here are the results so far:
I created 166 cards from the snowfall ink I accumulated. This cost me 66.4 per card (0g x 6 Snowfall Ink, 2g x 3 IotS, 20g x 3 Eternal Life, and 1 Resilient Paper). Note that I didn't put a cost on the Snowfall as they were basically taking up inventory space. So to make 166 cards it cost me approximately 11,022g. From that I got the following:
4 Prism Decks with 9 mismatched cards (41 total)
1 Noble Deck with 25 mismatched cards (33 total)
2 Undeath Deck with 26 mismatched cards (42 total)
2 Chaos Decks with 34 mismatched cards (50 total)
As you can see I had quite a few mismatched cards and less than ideal luck in terms of Noble Decks.
During the faire week I purchased cards to fill out the mismatched decks to create the following:
1 Prism Deck (for a total of 5)
4 Nobles Decks (for a total of 6)
2 Undeath Decks (for a total of 4)
4 Chaos Decks (for a total of 6)
This cost me an additional 5,438g and left me with 33 unmatched cards to sell individually My total costs were 16,461g.
I posted all the cards and decks and have seen the following so far:
3 Prisms for 400g (2 in inventory)
3 Nobles for 3750g (3 in inventory)
2 Undeath for 800g (2 in inventory)
2 Chaos for 500g (4 in inventory)
I also have sold 16 of the cards for 800g and have 17 cards left in inventory. My revenue so far is 15,050g
That means I am about 1,400 gold from breakeven. If I am able to sell the rest of my cards for the same price I have gotten so far I should bring in an additional 16,000g. That will mean the value of my Snowfall would equate to about 14.7g (14,600 profit / 996 Snowfall used to make the cards). That is much higher than I anticipated although I must admit the time investment was much greater than I would have liked. The relisting costs were probably a few hundred gold as well which would take my profits down even further.
Still ... I am glad to be rid of all the Snowfall in inventory though I've gotten another 200 from making glyphs this month....
I created 166 cards from the snowfall ink I accumulated. This cost me 66.4 per card (0g x 6 Snowfall Ink, 2g x 3 IotS, 20g x 3 Eternal Life, and 1 Resilient Paper). Note that I didn't put a cost on the Snowfall as they were basically taking up inventory space. So to make 166 cards it cost me approximately 11,022g. From that I got the following:
4 Prism Decks with 9 mismatched cards (41 total)
1 Noble Deck with 25 mismatched cards (33 total)
2 Undeath Deck with 26 mismatched cards (42 total)
2 Chaos Decks with 34 mismatched cards (50 total)
As you can see I had quite a few mismatched cards and less than ideal luck in terms of Noble Decks.
During the faire week I purchased cards to fill out the mismatched decks to create the following:
1 Prism Deck (for a total of 5)
4 Nobles Decks (for a total of 6)
2 Undeath Decks (for a total of 4)
4 Chaos Decks (for a total of 6)
This cost me an additional 5,438g and left me with 33 unmatched cards to sell individually My total costs were 16,461g.
I posted all the cards and decks and have seen the following so far:
3 Prisms for 400g (2 in inventory)
3 Nobles for 3750g (3 in inventory)
2 Undeath for 800g (2 in inventory)
2 Chaos for 500g (4 in inventory)
I also have sold 16 of the cards for 800g and have 17 cards left in inventory. My revenue so far is 15,050g
That means I am about 1,400 gold from breakeven. If I am able to sell the rest of my cards for the same price I have gotten so far I should bring in an additional 16,000g. That will mean the value of my Snowfall would equate to about 14.7g (14,600 profit / 996 Snowfall used to make the cards). That is much higher than I anticipated although I must admit the time investment was much greater than I would have liked. The relisting costs were probably a few hundred gold as well which would take my profits down even further.
Still ... I am glad to be rid of all the Snowfall in inventory though I've gotten another 200 from making glyphs this month....
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