Origins & Goals

This is my first blog post and it is probably as good a time as any to describe the how's and the why's for this blog.

This blog is meant to be a repository of my thoughts regarding MMORPG's and for the foreseeable future ... the World of Warcraft. I have played WOW starting back when it was first released in 2004 and continuously since that time. My last 4 years have been with the guild Requiem on the Ravencrest/Eitrigg servers. My main character is a druid named Shribryn and during the last 4 years my druid has healed the guild through all the available content up through Naxx/EoE. At that point I took a break from active raiding and am still semi-retired. I have spent the last 8 months concentrating on my alts since soloing/PuGing is much easier for my schedule and definitely less stressful. I am currently up to 6 characters at level 80 which is more than any person should have. If I had to do it again I'd probably only level 3 toons as I pressure myself to gear out all 6 which adds to my playtime. I don't know my /daysplayed but I'm sure people that know me IRL would be stunned by the number. My counterargument would be that WOW is a substitute for TV for me and I really doubt that I spend more time playing the game than an average American spends in front of the television. The good thing about the game is my job has necessitated a lot of travel and while this can be a very lonely existance it has been nice to have my online family waiting for me at the end of the day.

As for the goal of this blog it is going to be freeform. I don't think that I will be doing a lot of calculations here like they do over at Elistist Jerks because frankly they know the mechanics better. My goal will be to just chat about the things that interest me in the game and a place to put my thoughts.

Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 5:50 PM

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